Thursday, October 30, 2008

Life changes!

I got the job at UND! I start on Monday already. We stopped by the gal who will be Michael's nanny and things will be great. Her son is two months younger than MJ but the same size. They'll be great together. Our parenting styles are a lot alike so I feel very comfortable leaving him there.

The plan now is that we will both work and pay off debt until Joseph goes back to school in the Fall. We figure he has about three years left. Hopefully he can arrange his classes so they are all in the morning and be home in the afternoons and evenings when I go to work. (Did I mention my job is 1:30 - 10pm?) I'm not thrilled about the hours because I will see Joseph a lot less, but Michael will see his daddy more and I think that is great! I'm really disappointed I can't throw Michael's first birthday party on his birthday. I'm going to try and get work off that night... I know he doesn't care but it's important to his mommy. (I take my mommy job very seriously, haha!)

I really enjoyed our trip to Ohio and Chicago. The time with my brother's family was wonderful! We went to the zoo one day and I met up with one of my online mommies which was great. The mommy forum is really my support group so it's a joy to see them in the flesh. There are 50 of them, and I've met four people that are new, and three of them I knew in person to begin with. Our babies are all about the same age.

Stacey, it was really nice seeing you, even for the short time. Joey is still such a cutie pie! Did he ever pass on the tickles to Katie? :) Eric, best wishes to your deployment! Captain Olson sends her best. ;)

Hans Solo, Queen Amidala and Baby Yoda are hosting a Halloween party tomorrow night. We love hosting parties and are looking forward to it a lot. Kids are welcome this time, we'll see how that goes! I'll post pictures soon.

Sounds like Baby Yoda is trying to swiffer for me in the kitchen. I better see how he's doing with that. Ha ha!

Karen & Kris, I look forward to updates from each of you!

1 comment:

irso said...

Good luck, you three