Sunday, December 30, 2007


I believe in Santa! Here he is! And you have to love his first truck! (Thanks Grandma!)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

First shots with my new camera!

Hi, everyone! Guess what? I got a new camera for Christmas, and I'm so excited! (Keith likes playing with it too.) It's a Canon Digital Rebel--an SLR!! Yay! So, here are a few pictures from our Christmas celebration in Seattle. It's probably good we're here this year, since my grandparents are moving, so we had our last Christmas dinner at their house, and we also lost a family member--my dad's aunt died last Friday. It's kind of a relief, since she had been very ill for a long time. I've been helping my mom a lot, so she has time to help her parents look for their new place and pack. So, on to the pictures...

First, the "children" prance around the corner and get their stockings, and see what "Santa" brought them. Santa happened to be using my present at the time to take pictures of us!

After breakfast, we opened the rest of the presents. We received new ornaments and a couple pieces of our china from Ilene! (Thanks a lot!)

Keith and Colin tested out Keith's new frisbee... glow in the dark and recycled!

Keith called his family while watching the snow outside. We sort of had a white Christmas... it stuck to the lawn, but not the road, thankfully.

We had Christmas dinner with my mom's family, having spent Christmas Eve with my dad's family. Grandmother recently broke her hip, so the rest of the family prepared the meal, set up, and cleaned up. She hadn't been home since her accident at the end of November. It was really good to spend time with my family.

So, looking forward to seeing Christmas pictures from the rest of you! Enjoy the other 11 days of Christmas... and if you haven't already, go read our Christmas letter!

Love, Celia

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Michael & Daddy

Here are a few pictures of Joseph as a baby & Michael more will come when I can figure out how to put them side by side

Friday, December 21, 2007

Just showing off again... (we love the truck Grandma!)

By the way, thanks for the Christmas cards and birth gifts for Michael! We did get them- I am just slow to get our cards out! Some of the gifts we are waiting to open until Christmas. I look forward to next week with my family where I will certainly have time (and probably help) getting all our cards (Christmas, Announcement, baptism and thank you) out!
Love ya!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Our Christmas letter...

Hi, everyone! Merry Christmas!

We're finally done with our school stuff, and we're at my parents' house in Seattle, until sometime shortly before New Year's. Thus, we've had time to write our Christmas letter! It's only going on our blog this year, since we want to save paper... and it's cheaper. So, go look at it!

We'll miss you, but we're looking forward to seeing everyone in January for Michael's baptism! Keith just got our tickets. We'll post interesting Christmas pictures, if there's anything interesting to post... :)

Love, Celia (and Keith)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Aberdeen, Bath time and Christmas

We had a nice time in Aberdeen this past weekend. It was fun seeing Elizabeth and Michael together. I really enjoyed getting a photo of the four generations of Olsons!

I posted pictures of Michael's first bath(s). I told Joseph one night that we needed to give him his first bath and while I was switching the load of laundry Joseph wanted to do me a favor by giving MJ a "bath" without me! Mommy wasn't happy... But he didn't use soap (??!??) so we tried it again the next night, this time with mommy, photos and soap! We tried to get his hand and foot prints first which is why he has blue hands and feet. The cat wanted to get in on the bath too! Michael cried during this bath but didn't cry during his next one.

To see photos, go to our usual photo site:

I love the pictures of the Rudolph family! It's fun deciding who looks like who- like who has Eric's ears! Haha! The kids look really cute and the parents look fantastic!

Saturday we head to Bismarck for the week. My oldest brother built a new home this fall and most of my family will be there. Yesterday Santa and I had a conference. Santa wasn't going to visit us this year, but since Michael will be surrounded by his young cousins we (Santa and I) didn't want them to think Michael was already a bad boy because he didn't get anything for Christmas!

Love ya! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

He's a keeper!

More pictures of our awesome little guy! His face has already filled out more and his hand coordination has greatly inproved!
He recieved a puppy blanket, like Elizabeth's ducky blanket so I think we need a picture of the cousins lounging on their respective blankets.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hi from Michael!

Hi everyone! My mommy has been busy loving and taking care of me so she is sorry she hasn't posted news about me sooner! I am doing very well. I'm a week old already! The amount I sleep depends on the amount I eat. Mommy and daddy like it when I eat a lot. Mommy says I have trouble opening my jaw up wide enough to eat, but I'm getting better at it!

Daddy is the best! He seems to change all my poopy diapers. (Mommy doesn't mind at all) Daddy takes good care of mommy too and makes her breakfast, changes me while she gets ready to feed me (even in the middle of the night). She would be lost without him!

Everyone says I look like my daddy. Only one person has told me I look like Mom! Mommy thinks that is a good thing since daddy is so handsome.

Here are a few photos. For more pictures you can go to Mommy will try to update this site as much as possible, so add it to your favorites.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baby Olson

We have news to share. Michael James Olson was born early Monday morning November 26, 2007 He was 7 pounds 3/4 oz. Grandma & Grandpa Olson came to visit on Tuesday and took a few pictures. Both Mom and Dad are doing OK. Catherine had an emergency C-Section, and she looks great!

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Christmas season is here.
Wishing you all the wonderful sights, smells and sounds of the season.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I had this soup at a gathering and loved it. I will also post a Black Bean soup that was so incredibly good! I'll post that when I get it from my mom. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!


4-8 fresh or canned diced green chilies
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
1 15 oz can pumpkin (about 2 cups)
2 cups chicken broth (add more if soup is too thick)
1/2 cup water
1 tsp ground cumin
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp chili powder

Combine green chilies, sour cream, and cilantro in blender. Blend until smooth, set aside in refrigerator. In saucepan combine broth, pumpkin, water, and spices-mix thoroughly and bring to a low boil. Stir half of green chili mixture into pumpkin mixture. Simmer for 3-5 minutes. Pour soup into bowls and top each bowl with a small spoonful of remaining green chili mixture and swirl with end of spoon. Serves 4.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nursery & Family Room Photos

Nursery and Family Room photos! or if the first one doesn't work.

I thougth we would have most of the family room moved in this weekend but a friend needed help with his home and definetely took priority over moving.

We had a nice weekend here; I am a bit disappointed to have to be going to work tomorrow...


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Neither halloween nor babies


Sorry, we (rather I) don't post very often here... we do it rather more often on our blog, so you should check that out too.

Looks like everyone else is doing pretty well. Rebecca is becoming a pottery making genius, Elizabeth looks all mature (the picture in the little dress), and Catherine and Joseph are working hard on their house... by the way, we're voting for the baby coming early so we can meet him/her next week. See if you can manage that, we'd appreciate it. :)

So, since we spent Halloween in class (I gave a three hour presentation) and avoiding frat boys on the way home, and since there are no babies here (except for the millions that seem to be constantly born to our friends), and since we are not doing any home improvement, I'm kind of at a loss for what to write! Well, we've been doing a lot of cooking, and studying. We're excited about a week off to relax and see many of you! We're arriving in ND sometime in the afternoon/evening next Tuesday.

So... cooking! Squash is in season, and I'm trying to do better at cooking with what is in season and local. Yay! Keith is getting sick of squash. But, here's our ridiculously huge zucchini that we brought home after church on Thanksgiving (since we live in Canada, we already celebrated Thanksgiving once, on October 8). We had grilled zucchini, soup, and zucchini bread... not to mention there's a bunch in the freezer for further zucchini bread. Pumpkin and butternut squash soup too! (See, I am a good little wife when I want to be. ;)

We've both been working really hard to learn biblical Greek (just Keith) and Hebrew (both of us), and I'm brainstorming and researching towards my Arts Thesis--an interdisciplinary performance-based project which will involve both music and theology.

I'm also WORKING. Imagine that. I'm teaching cello for inner-city kids one afternoon a week. I'm also the worship intern at my church, since one of our pastors is on maternity leave (I told you all my friends were having babies...) and since her husband is the other pastor, he wants time to be a father... so I'm doing some work, planning services and working with musicians. It's really fun, and I'm learning a lot.

That's it for now! Looking forward to our visit next week! :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Waiting Game

I really hoped to post photos of the nursery and family room but I wasn't able to stencil tonight. I started the other night and the paw prints looked messy, so I had to paint over them. I was wanted to try them again tonight but found I needed one more layer of paint to cover the old messy ones. I also wanted to pack the baby's hospital bag (and my own) but the furthest I got was folding a large load of baby clothes, if you can call it folding! How exactly do you fold an item of clothing that already starts out smaller than a folded adult piece of clothing?! One of the many things I will quickly learn...

My due date is 13 days away (almost 12 now) but things could happen at any time. Please say a prayer for a health baby! (And an easy birth for mama would be nice too! *wink*)

Assuming the baby hasn't arrived yet we will be moving into the basement this weekend! I will post photos as soon as possible.

Love ya-

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nursery photo

Here is a hint of what things look like! I still have to add the puppy prints to the white border. The flooring is almost completely installed in the nursery.

I'm not sure where the cord is to my camera so this picture from my camera phone will have to do. I'll post more later this week!

The baby is due in two and a half weeks... every night I wonder if I'll get a full nights sleep... every morning I wonder what the day will bring!


Visit to Becca

Rebecca was/is in a play "The Inspector General" and Tim & I went to see it this weekend. Sarah and Nathan and Elizabeth also showed up to surprise Rebecca. We got in a few photo shoots, especially Rebecca & Elizabeth with their Luther shirts. Elizabeth was great during the play. We hoped she would sleep, but she watched all the action with enthusiasm and sometimes would answer back to the performers with her little voice. She was definately conversing with them. After the play the actors enjoyed meeting their smallest, biggest fan. Sunday while we waited for the afternoon performance, Tim & I took a walk through one of the many parks in Decorah.

Monday, November 5, 2007

My Mom's Scary Halloween Message to the Family.

I think several family members have complained that I don't post enough messages on this blog I've created. My only excuse is when I post a message I only post what I think will be a classic and memorable moment to be passed on from generation to generation and throughout eternity on this Earth. So after a little playing around on my Mac I decided to post this newly created masterpiece on this blog and on the website -- This posting was only made possible due to the help of my loving mother. Enjoy ... peace.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Halloween! Thanks for the pics everyone!

Hi everyone!
Hey, Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!
I love the blog!
It's nice so nice to hear from everyone!
I'm going great. I went to a cornmaze with my friend LeAnn and we had a blast.
We made some jack-o-lanterns (see above).
School is going well.
I have added 3 new kids in the past month or so and so I keep busy.
Just tonight I put up my Christmas Village. -Yes, I have to start early. I have not put in lights for the village, but that will come later. I have really collected a lot of Christmas stuff over the years. WOW! I have to take a couple of days or weekends to get it all done. However, I do remember Thanksgiving! I have decorated my kitchen table for Thanksgiving and have scarecrows on my front porch.
So, have a great day everyone! Love ya ALL!

Challenge III

I dare you to challenge me again, Karen. Of course, I'm not geting any cleaning done! We visited Becca at Luther for parents weekend the end of September and were able to watch her make some pottery.

Challenge II

Since I remember that Catherine doesn't like her belly being the first picture on the blog, I'll have to put something else up so that Karen can't say that I never post. Tim is in ND (actually MN) rignt now helping Joseph with the basement and I'm supposed to be cleaning. Actually I have been and am on a break right now. Tim and I took a mini vacation through a small part of MN and stopped in Bemiji for a picnic--it was raining, so we picnic'd in the car. Here is Tim beside Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox


OK big sister. Here sre some pictures of my fabulous grandchildren. Granted you have to use your imagination on how the second one looks, but since (s)he is mine, you know good looks are in the genes. I think Elizabeth looks like a pink gangsta in her shades. She doesn't like them because she is crying in the rest of the pictures. Elizabeth finally settled down in Mommy's arms at the end of Catherine's baby shower, and Elizabeth wondering in amazement about what that silver thing is that Grandma always has and how it makes bright flashes.

Friday, November 2, 2007


What could Kristyne find so intresting to take a picture of on Halloween...Gary. Yup,he is painting/staining the deck. It is almost done. Just one more small part to do yet.

Halloween & Christie

Happy Halloween & Happy Fall Everyone:

Thanks to everyone for posting, please encourage others to post too...

I love checking the Blog.

Well, OK, you are right. I do not blog so much either, but I've got my sister beat.

The challenge is on Ilene. We need more pics of Elizabeth and Tim. : - )

Here is a picture of Christie, she just got her fall trim and she was all decked out for Halloween.

Looks like she is thinking about some candy.

Sorry, no candy for Christie.

I asked, "How about a doggie treat!"

She said, 'OK", in her arf language

then took the treat and burried

it in the tomato patch.

Love to you all, Krandma

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bring on the Candy!

Eric points the way for the kids to get going and get that candy! After all, Mom and Dad usually get donations from the kids; they're so nice. Considering they each have a huge bag weighing probably 5 lbs each, they have plenty to spare. Joey was fun to see running to catch up to his siblings and walked during all the Trick-or-Treating. Everyone was tired at the end of the night. When I was a kid we would all dump our candy out, sort it and start offering trades. So it's fun to watch the kids do it now. All right, time to get back to laundry and cleaning. Bye for now!

.....Okay, so it's later and we just did a church Trunk or Treat. Yes, we needed more candy since the first bags just aren't quite full enough. Actually, this candy will be donated to the kids cousins who are in flight today to Nepal (their Dad works for the Gov. and they are going to live there) and are missing Trick or Treating. And also to their Uncle Gary who is in Iraq for a year. So it's for a good cause. Ethan won a prize for scariest costume; he thought that was cool!
The kids are holding candy bars all the way from Grandma Johnson in Utah, carrying on a tradition she enjoyed as a kid. She would go every year to a neighbor's house who would give away an entire candy bar. Thank you so much Mom, you are so fun!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rudolph Birthdays

Well after all the October birthdays I am happy to be done making icing. I loved how the girl's cakes turned out and Joey's was simple that the kids helped decorate. They enjoy licking the spatula and throwing sprinkles on it. Morgan loves horses and so picked a horse cake this year. Our neighbor is from India and did Henah on the girl's hands during her party. It's so pretty! Katie had a Halloween Dora party and they dressed up in costumes we've kept over the years. Joey's birthday was at home with the family and I loved it. So relaxing and he's old enough to open the presents and somewhat understand what's going on. We're ready for Halloween and will post pics of that. We love it here in Ohio and are also working on projects around the house. I'm still painting a room at a time, we moved furniture around, hung a TV, and have a room to figure out how to arrange. It seems like it takes so much time. I'm excited for Christmas to come, I love the tree and music and feeling that everyone is caring and giving. But first we have to be spooky so I better slow down. Take care y'all!