Friday, August 31, 2007

Try this quick yummy side dish. It's good!

Cajun French Fries

6 --- Idaho potatoes (6 ounces each), peeled and sliced into eighths
1 Tbsp ---olive oil
1/4 tsp ---cayenne pepper
1 tsp ---chili powder
1/2 tsp ---cumin
1/2 tsp ---salt
1/4 tsp ---ground black pepper
cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine potatoes and oil in a large bowl and toss well to coat. In a small bowl, combine cayenne pepper, chili powder, cumin, salt, and black pepper. Sprinkle over potatoes and toss well until all potatoes are coated with seasoning.
Coat a large baking sheet with cooking spray.
Spread potatoes evenly on baking sheet. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

Serves: 6
Nutrition Facts: Serving: 1 Calories:125 Fat: 2 g, Cholesterol: 00 mg, Sodium: 204 mg Carbohydrates:24 g

Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Links

Hi Everyone,

I added the links for family members so we can easily see what each person has been up to. If you don't want your link posted let me know, or you can ask Eric or I to add one for you. It can be a link to any web page, so if you have a favorite you want to share feel free to post it!

Recently I submitted Morgan's cake I made to the website listed on the Web Link bar. I was so happy to see it posted! So a great way to share it online is to insert a link to a blog or personal space like Have a look!

**Everyone is now an administrator, so if you want to you can go into the settings and layout to add a side bar (element) poll, picture, link, etc. or change the layout. Just no crazy stuff!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

We're almost in Germany!

New pics are on my blog. Here's one special for you, from the Eiffel Tower. :)

Love, Celia, Rebecca, and Keith

Harry Potter Quiz

Hello everyone, I just thought that since we were finished with the 7th Harry Potter book we could take a little quiz/pole. You only need to answer if you want to.

I kind of like the way everyone got so excited about the book.

Does anyone have another book they would like to read and share thoughts about.

I love Nicholas Sparks books, does anyone else?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Vin, Fromage, and the scent of Lavender...

Dear family,

Once again I posted on our blog! Please visit. I hope everyone's doing well!

Love, Celia, Keith, and Rebecca

Monday, August 20, 2007


I just wanted to tell you all how awesome my husband is- he finished framing in the basement this weekend all by himself! We are now stringing electrical lines. It is so fun having seeing "rooms"!

The baby has been moving more today then ever before. I love it!

Take care!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Birthday and Anniversary List & Other Dates

Birthday and Anniversary List & Other Dates to Remember

Stacey & Eric 2nd
Catherine & Joseph 8th
Joseph 13th
Curtis 21st

Ilene & Timothy 14th

Christopher 3rd
Karen & Gary 12th
Sarah 18th

Karen 1st
Celia 9th
LaVon & Rees 13th
Gary 24th
Ethan 29th

Catherine 24th

Kristyne 3rd
LaVon 27th

Lorraine & Emery 29th

Emery Suedmeier 1st (1925) Died March 27, 1973
Elizabeth 3rd
Celia & Keith 9th
Rebecca 15th
Nathaniel 28th

Sarah & Nathaniel 6th
Eric 12th

Stacey 22nd

Keith 3rd
Timothy 5th
Morgan 6th
Katie 7th
Joey 28th

Rees 4th
Lorraine S. Grorud Suedmeier 9th (1922) Died March15, 1963
Wade & Judy 11th

Wade 23th
Ilene 27th

Let me know of anymore information to post. Krandma Johnson

Just telling ya what's been up!

This is my new door and window!
My central air is cool too!

LeAnn and I went to a COOL
international dance festival.
Above are some highlights!

My friend Carolyn and I
went to a great piano concert by
James Oneil Miner. I took a snapshot with him.

I also went to a singles breakfast on the 18th. I was flippin' the pancakes! :)
It was a lot of fun also.

All is well. I teach on Thursday!
The broken toe is mending...
and I am going to have a busy week.

I love you all. Keep me posted


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Basement Work Weekend 1

Well, we got through the weekend and everyone got along! Our house was a crazy zoo with lots of chaos- but it was good chaos! Joseph, my dad and two brothers got about three quarters of the basement framed. There were a lot of obstacles so it took longer than expected. For example, we called the utility people to mark the lines. Joseph got about half of the egress window (for the nursery) dug when he discovered the GAS LINE a good three feet off (if not more) from where it was marked. Thankfully he didn't rupture the gas line and this problem was discovered before the window was framed and cut! That was by far the biggest snag in the plans-at least that I am aware of!

My Mom helped me scrape tile off of the hardwood floors upstairs in the living room. Once the basement is done most of the furniture in there will go downstairs and we can sand and finish those floors. We had lots of kids around (six total all weekend). The oldest girls (12 & 9) and the boy (6) wanted to help so they moved *200* or so studs from our driveway to the basement! The three kids, myself and mom moved 85 pieces of sheet rock 20 feet from the driveway to the garage which was hard work! Those kids wanted to keep working but we made them take a break!

Joseph will probably get the rest of the stud walls up this weekend. Then it's electrical work, and FINALLY sheetroc, etc. We should get done before the baby is born...

It's fun to see where the walls will be and get a good idea of how it will look in the end! Here are a few pictures. One is taken at the bottom of the stairs looking into the family room (with the support beam). Behind the family room is the nursery. The other photo is our master bedroom.

Greetings from England!


I posted to my blog, and I really don't have time to do another post... but please have a look. I hope everyone is doing well.

Celia, Keith, and Rebecca

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Weber County Fair


Cream - the black and white goat, (but I call him Oreo.)
Cookies - the black goat

These goats belong to Gary's parents. The girl who comes to groom the gots took Boots to the Fair. He got a Red Ribbon for placing second. The other two goats are Cookies and Cream (or Oreo). The black and white goat has two names. It depends on who you are talking to at the time. But the little goats stayed home. They are so much fun to watch.

Kristyne and I went to the Weber County fair to see the displays and crafts. The quilts were gorgeous, but both Kris and I said that next year both of us will but some of our handy work in the fair. That's all for now.

Home Improvement Project

So here's the product of one of my hoobies I have picked up. The custom shelf was left by the contractor for us to finish. I'm guessing he didn't know how to finish it himself or was just unwilling to do a good job with it; nonetheless we we're glad to have him out of our house. He left a cheap plywood backing that was warped & glossy and the wood was left bare next to finished walls. So this is what I did to fix it: I took a hammer to the plywood backing and ripped it out; I then cut some 2x3's to make studs for the back walls; bought some sheetrock and cut it to size and screwed it into the studs; cut some wood to finish the window & secured the wood paneling into the studs I made; mudded & taped the gaps & corners; added the cable jack and fished in the cable; stacey helped sand the rough spots and then painted the shelf. The kids love the new TV we purchased for the shelf and took ownership of the bottom shelves. What do you think??


Sunday, August 5, 2007


Hi there!
These are some fun photos. Kissy is finaly getting used to the new toy mom (MY MOM) gave her and tipper. At first, she would not even go in it, but now she loves it!
Mom, Gary and I went to the American Heritage Park and this is me standing in front of ONE the their barns. It was a fun night. We were fed and entertained with a wild west show, a great dutch oven dinner (BBQ chicken and Stake) and a horse and buggy ride. FUN!
Hope is well with all of you.

This is a yummy little recipe for ya. -for the slow cooker

Chicken with Sausage and Dried Fruit

Ingredients: 4 boneless chicken breast, 1 can chicken broth, 1 six inch sliced kielbasa sausage, 1 chopped green bell pepper, 1 small onion, 3/4 cup dried apples, 1/2 cup another dried fruit you like, 1 TBLS parsley, 2 tsp dried chives, and salt or Mrs. Dash to taste.
In 3- to 3 1/2-quart slow cooker, Place chicken breasts in the botton of the slow cooker, They can be the frozen kind if need be, Layer the sausage, green pepper, onion, apples and fruit over the chicken, sprinkle with parsley, chives, and sesoning, pour the can of broth over the whole thing then cover and cook on low for 8-9 hours.
If you like coming home to a good-smelling kitchen, this is the recipe for you!
Have fun

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Got Game?

Ethan was excited to take the challenge and try to earn a quarter by earning 50 points in this funny game I remember my mom playing on us when we were younger. He was so excited and Morgan and Katie were so good not to give away the secret. We were trying so hard not to laugh too much as he pressed the quarter hard against his face and rolled it down trying to let it fall into one of the squares we drew on the paper (trace the quarter on the paper being sure to get led on the outside so it marks the face). He did score 50 points and when he took his paper to the mirror to find the hidden msg on it (wink) his jaw DROPPED! He was so stunned and we were laughing at his shock. He was a good sport and the girls were begging to get a turn afterwards so they could earn a quarter. I like the pic of Ethan looking up at Dad, proud of how good he's doing. I did feel a bit of guilt; just a little.