Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Baby

Alexander Timothy arrived on Thursday June 11. here are some pictures. More later when my computer has more power

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Celia and Keith's news, real quick

Hi! It's been a while. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by how-long-it-takes-to-craft-a-good-blog-entry (and a lot has happened too), I'm going to give your our news from the past 4 months blow-by-blow, with the idea that I'll come back to it later with pictures and more details. So, here goes...

  1. We graduated!! Hooray! This was on Monday. We each got a couple of prizes (Keith's in Old Testament and Greek, and mine in Hebrew and the Arts), and we felt both honored and... rather nerdy.
  2. Since we graduated, obviously that means we finished our coursework--Keith finished his OT comprehensive exam this spring and I finished my arts thesis. We are glad to be done.
  3. We're going to Japan! Approximate dates will be July-December. More details will follow. We're going to work with a Japanese church, and I might be doing some concerts similar to what I was doing for my arts thesis.
  4. Oh yeah... Keith cut his hair. I guess that counts as big news.
Well, that's really the big news. There are lots of little things I could talk about. You can look forward to that in a few days, so check back on our other blog soon. :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I wanted the rest of the family know that Tim and I cancelled our trip to Hawaii. We recieved news that Tim's dad, George, died Thursday night we are now in Aberdeen and all the kids minus Celia will be here for the funeral. Please keep us and Bernice (George's wife) in your prayers. Thank you. Ilene

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I noticed that there haven't been many blogs since we all got on facebook, but it is easier to send information to just one place sometimes. Christmas was great and I can't believe that January is over. By the time we get back from Maui, February will be almost over!!!! Everyone have a great Valentine's Day. We will be having a romantic one, I hope.
Here are some pictures from Christmas. I really don't like the family picture that much

We had fun even the house was crazy and it was hard to have every one leave. Becca also left for a J term course in the Mediterranean. Her pictures are great and I hope she organizes them soon and puts them in an album. Hopefully I'll have another post when we get back