Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Holiday Greetings from Ohio!

Hi everyone,
So yes, I've been way out of the loop with blogging, but....you know how it goes.  Here is a link to a recent post I wrote for our Run Run Rudolph Blog.  This will be much easier if I use this link than type it up again.  
What's new lately?  I'm a new Brownie Girl Scout Troop Leader.  Not that I was jumping at the opportunity, rather if someone didn't step up, it would mean no Troop for 11 girls along with Katie.  So even though I've really enjoyed learning how the program works, it has been a LOT of work.  Eric is gone training for the week and is in Texas camping out in all his gear he'll be using in Iraq.  The day before he left the van battery quit on us, but that is fixed now.  I always feel like things could be worse, so I'm not complaining.  Just sharing.  The tow truck guy said his car battery quit on him in the middle of Christmas shopping.  So after that, I was grateful it happened before Eric left, it was in our driveway, the weather was warm, we have insurance that covered it, and at least 3 people offered to help, and they each did in some way.  It's interesting how sometimes my trials become the things that strengthen my belief that we are being watched over and are blessed.  It doesn't mean life will be perfect, but there is always something to learn and appreciate.  Thanks for listening and I hope everyone is doing well!  Stacey

1 comment:

irso said...

I can't believe how big the kids have gotten. Hope all is well with you