Sunday, February 10, 2008


It's been a while since I've shared photos. Here is a video I took tonight. I have to hold the camera off to the side where he won't notice it, otherwise he clams up and just stares at the camera... You'll hear me yelling at Anna too- the dogs were wrestling. Sorry it's so long but I don't know how to cut the video. MJ has started to mimic mommy. He likes with when we do WOOF and MEOW but will only mimic ROAR!!! He's my cute little man!

I'm having trouble embedding the video. What's the secret Eric/Stacey? I'm using photobucket. Here's the link: (deleted link & fixed! --Eric)

For more photos go to our site: There are some REALLY cute ones from last weekend!

He's 11 weeks old already! He must be 22 inches tall by now and about 11.5 pounds. Check out his double chin! I guess he isn't starving!


Krandma said...

I love the video. How cute. Michael wants to talk so bad. It won't be long. Thanks for sharing the pictures also. Take care.

Sista said...

Hello There!

He is just a handsome little boy!
Have a great day

Unknown said...

You just needed to add a /embed tag at the end of the embed link in a new tag. You'll know what I mean if you know html.

Cute video.

Love you guys,
