Hi my name is Elizabeth Ann Sweet. I am using my Grandma Olson's password to tell you about today. I am 11 days old today and I have a babysitter for the first time. My Grandma is, of couse, my babysitter. She insisted that my Mommy get a little break from me. Can you believe that?! Just because I keep my parents up all night long and keep Mommy busy cleaning up after me (I make sure I wet the changer every time Mommy changes my diaper) she thinks my Mommy needs a few hours away from me. I'm too loveable! So I am teaching Grandma a lesson. I frown at her when she gives a bottle because she is not my Mommy. I refuse to burp, but she must have done this before because she doesn't take no for an answer. We are singing songs and she is telling me I am pretty. But I am having the last laugh because she is making new curtains for my bedroom and I am so loveable that she can't get anything done! Tata for now. Elizabeth
Post script: grandma talking here--Little does Elizabeth know, I am having fun!
With little Elizabeth Ann around, Grandma may never get any curtains done. Have fun Grandma!! At least your grandbaby isn't as far away as mine are.
I know! I wish we were closer to all our family in Utah! I truly appreciate the time I have with my family when we are with them because we are so far from them right now. This Blog is so valuable to us knowing each other because it seems the years fly by and then our kids are 5 years older and so much has passed that we miss out on the important stuff. And the important stuff is sometimes the little things that happen every day. Krandma, thanks for calling us to keep in touch, we love it!!
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